Unite the world in God's love and grace.

We are excited to gather clergy and laity from around the world for this historic event, where we will come together to share in fellowship, worship, and decision-making as we shape the future of our denomination.

September 20-26, 2024
San Jose, Costa Rica


A Faithful Future

The General Conference aims to:

Facilitate dialogue on critical issues.

Provide spiritual renewal.

Foster collaboration among attendees.

Ensure transparent governance.


Rev. Beth Ann Cook, the chairwoman of the Transitional Commission on General Conference, addresses some of the most frequently asked questions.


By joining our volunteer team, you will play a crucial role in making this significant event a success.


We invite you to participate in a special season of prayer and fasting in preparation for our upcoming historic Convening General Conference.


Embracing Our Mission

Our conference theme, "So the World Will Know," encapsulates the core mission of the Global Methodist Church. Inspired by Jesus' prayer in John 17, this theme calls us to share the transformative message of God's love, salvation, grace, and forgiveness with the world—to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

Through our collective efforts and faithful witness, may the world come to know the boundless love of our Savior and experience the hope and redemption found in Him. Join us as we embrace this mission and work together to fulfill the mandate to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth.

2024 Convening Conference Commemorative

Pre-orders are now open for the exclusive Convening General Conference commemorative T-shirt! At just $15, this is your chance to have a part of GMC history.


Have a question?

Need further assistance or have specific inquiries? Contact our conference organizers for personalized support and guidance.

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